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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Odds & Ends

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1. I'm guessing I'm not the only one who is obsessed with candy corn this time of year, right? My sister-in-law Erin and I set out a few weeks ago to make our own from scratch. We followed this recipe and it was a GIANT fail. We ended up with a rock hard clump of sugar sitting in the pot. There was nothing candy corn-like about it. No big deal...we scratched the homemade stuff, went out and bought bags of Brach's, and instead had an awesome afternoon chatting. So, so thankful for that girl! Anyone else out there ever tried making it from scratch?

2. Do you like my Facebook page? I recently discovered that even if you do, you might not be seeing anything Sweets Life related on your newsfeed. Facebook is trying to force pages to pay to promote their posts...kind of lame! I'd much rather spend that money on groceries so here's the deal...if you want to ensure that The Sweets Life posts show up in your newsfeed, go to my page, click on the little icon next to "Liked" (see diagram below) and select "add to interests". It'll take all of three seconds and you won't have to worry about missing posts!

3. Speaking of Facebook, I asked on my page for some advice the other day....Ryan's work group is having a contest for the most "to die for" baked good (or appetizer) for their Halloween party (yes, his group has a Halloween party!) and I can't decide what to make! I thought about these mini chocolate chip cookie sandwiches or maybe the butterscotch blondies with peanut pretzel caramel, but I am more than open to suggestions! Help me out, leave a comment on Facebook or this post!

4. Almost two weeks ago, my great grandma passed away. She was 96 and one of the most joyful, lively people I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. While we are sad she's no longer with us, we are thankful because we know she's now singing and dancing in heaven! My uncle wrote a fantastic blog post about "living large" in her honor and I couldn't have said it better myself--check it out

(image from Amazon)
5. BONUS odds & end today--normally I stop at 4 but I have another giveaway for you guys today! I was recently sent John McLemore's "DADGUM That's Good, Too!". I'd never heard of John, or his cookbook, but I'm always open to checking out a new cookbook. The book is separated into three sections: smoking, frying, and grilling. I was impressed by the variety of recipes. I would've assumed it was a bunch of meat, but John has some creative ways to smoke, fry, and grill foods. Some that intrigued me included smoked mac and cheese, fried apple fritters, and grilled salsa! Want to check them out yourself? Leave a comment on this post telling me your favorite cookbook, or one you'd love to own. I'll pick a random commenter on Monday night and announce the winner in Tuesday's post!

One Year Ago: Apple Ricotta Coffee Cake
Two Years Ago: Chicken, Black Bean, and Goat Cheese Tostados
Three Years Ago: Creamy Sweet Potato and Kale Soup