1. You guys know I love ice cream. Love, like, would eat every day multiple times a day if I could. I don't, but I would like to! When Stonyfield offered to send me coupons to try their Oikos Greek Frozen Yogurt, I couldn't say yes fast enough. I have a special place in my heart for full fat ice cream, but that isn't practical or healthy to eat too often...so I was thrilled to try this option! I headed to Whole Foods and picked up one of each flavor: chocolate, vanilla, peach mango, and super fruits. My sisters, brother-in-law, Ryan, and I had a taste test that night, filling bowls with a little of each flavor. I was impressed to see how creamy the frozen yogurt was. Of the four my favorite was the super fruits and my least favorite was the chocolate. I guess if I want chocolate I'd prefer the unhealthy stuff! Unfortunately Ryan loves the fruit ones best too and those two pints disappeared from our freezer before I even got another taste. Guess I'm heading back to Whole Foods soon...and you can too! Stonyfield offered to give one of my readers 5 coupons for their Oikos Greek Frozen Yogurt as well as a $25 giveaway to Whole Foods. Leave a comment on this post telling me what you're up to this weekend and I'll pick a winner on Sunday (10/7) night. Winner announced in Monday's post! (p.s. there's still time to enter this giveaway too---enter by tonight!)

2. When we were in California, we spent the day in San Francisco. Many of you offered great suggestions about what to do and see and eat while we were there. A few of you mentioned Tartine Bakery and we trekked there for lunch. OH. MY. GOSH. We gorged on sandwiches and sampled a few of their baked goods until we literally could not take another bite. I was so full I skipped dinner that night and I haven't stopped thinking about that bread!! There will be a homemade coconut cream tart in my near future, because I haven't stopped thinking about that either! Definitely a must try if you're in the area!
3. In my header you may have noticed a new button:
Ziplist Recipe Box, not to be confused with
Recipe Archives, which is my own recipe index. What's up with the Ziplist Recipe Box? That's your connection to
Ziplist which is an awesome tool and feature on The Sweets Life to help make your meal planning and grocery shopping easier by helping you create lists, save recipes [note the "Save Recipe" button on each of my recipes], and save money on groceries. Take advantage!! Their newest feature allows you to enter your zip code as well as your shopping list and see what stores around you have the best deals. I am all for saving money on food and find this incredibly impressive! Read more about it
4. I'm a few hundred pages into
The Pillars of the Earth and have a few hundred to go. So many people have recommended this book to me and I put it off for so long because I was intimidated by how thick it was. I prefer to speed read through books and knew it wasn't going to be possible with this one. I'm really liking it, though, especially the more I get into it. Who knew a book about building a cathedral could be so gripping? That being said, I'm looking forward to reading a book that isn't a weight-lifting workout to hold. Any recommendations? What are you reading lately?
One Year Ago: Pumpkin Cinnamon Streusel Buns
Two Years Ago: Cookies and Cream Rice Krispie Treats