1. Our friends recently had a baby and I am ALWAYS game for dropping off a meal in exchange for some baby snuggles. Last time I made a baby meal, I opted for breakfast and made
zucchini quiche. This time I went for
buffalo sloppy joes and
cranberry coleslaw (which I just updated with a new picture!). This meal couldn't have been easier to prepare (made it Sunday morning before church and then dropped it off that afternoon) and makes plenty to eat for a few days. Make this meal--for yourself or new parents--several people have told me what a hit it is!
2. Vega One recently sent me a few samples of their new Vanilla Chai Protein Powder. I was under no obligation to blog about it and didn't really plan to, especially since I don't use a lot of protein powder. However, the packet boosted 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, and suggested adding it to water or juice. I decided to try it in a smoothie one weekend morning [spinach, flaxseed, frozen banana, and ice] and loved it. If you're convinced that green smoothies taste of spinach, this is the way to try them--all you could taste was the vanilla flavor. If they run any specials or deals soon, I'm tempted to buy a tub of this and add it to smoothies all the time!
3. I really liked this post by Andie of Can You Stay for Dinner? about eating healthy while traveling. Between business trips, vacations, and visiting family and friends who don't live near us, Ryan and I are on the go quite a bit. I firmly believe in fully enjoying food wherever I'm visiting (especially the ice cream. always the ice cream.) but also don't want to throw all healthy habits by the wayside while I'm not home. Much of what Andie mentions rings true for me, especially her tip about staying active. I prefer to walk everywhere when traveling--it's a great way to explore wherever you are while burning enough energy to be hungry for the next meal :)
4. Remember when I told you that story about losing my Lion King watch in the 4th grade? My guess is no. Most of you probably glanced right over that anecdote and moved onto the recipe. I don't blame you. But not all of you did. Imagine my surprise when my grandpa handed me a small rectangular box when I saw him the weekend of my sister's wedding. Was it a mistake? She was the one receiving all the gifts that week, not me! Yup, that picture above is THE Lion King watch. Not the one that went missing from the locker room, of course, but an exact replica that my grandpa found online and ordered for me. Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard? Don't judge me for proudly sporting Simba on my wrist, I have a lot of years to catch up on! ;)
One Year Ago: Coconut Rum Ice Cream with Toasted Coconut