Dang it. Just when I found myself obsessed enough with candy corn, I had to go and find a way to enjoy it even more! A few weeks ago I bought my first bag for the season and was legitimately proud of myself when it lasted for more than one week. Then I used some of it to make a batch of this, which didn't last more than three days. Mission NOT accomplished.
Everyone I shared this with agreed with me, except Ryan who declared it "too sweet" (and was then later found stealing some straight from the container so I don't trust his opinion on this one!). While I used popcorn, candy corn, peanuts, and dark chocolate M&Ms, you can definitely get creative. My friend Juli requested the next batch feature peanut butter M&Ms, an idea I haven't stopped thinking about! I'm thinking pretzels would also be a brilliant addition. You have a solid few weeks of candy corn purchasing left (more if you're me and buy every bag off the clearance rack!), don't miss your chance to try this! I was worried the almond bark coating was too light, but you just have to mix well to get the mixture evenly coated. Any more would have been overkill.
You won't be able to stay away! Sorry in advance.
Two Years Ago: Bombay Sloppy Joes
Three Years Ago: Slow Cooker Indonesian Chicken with Peanut Sauce
slightly adapted from Our Best Bites
-16 oz almond bark (mine comes in 24 oz packages--each block is 2 oz)
-3/4 cup popcorn kernels popped (12 cups popped popcorn)
-1 cup candy corn
-1 cup dry-roasted peanuts
-1 cup dark chocolate M&Ms
1. Toss popped popcorn, candy corn, peanuts, and M&Ms in a large bowl [may need to divide between 2 bowls].
2. Melt almond bark and pour over popcorn mixture. Use a spatula to combine and evenly coat the mixture.
3. Pour mixture out onto waxed paper and allow to dry and harden. Break popcorn pieces into small chunks and store in an airtight container.