On this Father's Day, I hope you have the chance to celebrate the men in your lives who are fathers (and grandfathers and father-like figures and etc, etc!). I'm lucky enough to be spending time with my own dad, my grandpa, and later today, my father-in-law. My dad is one of my very favorite people and I couldn't be more proud to call myself his daughter. Dad, thank you for living a life of faith, of generosity, and of humor. I love you so very much!
Instead of sharing a new recipe with you today, I'm highlighting some of my restaurant reviews I've done for the University City Patch. I typically visit one new to me U City restaurant a month and write a review for the Patch. (Disclaimer, I'm no expert restaurant reviewer...I simply share my thoughts and experiences based on one visit! Take or leave my opinion!) This post is geared more toward my St. Louis readers, in the hopes that you'll check out some of the great restaurants St. Louis (University City in particular) has to offer. As for those of you who plan to visit St. Louis...and you should, we have much more to offer in addition to great food!, hopefully this post and my collection of restaurant reviews all around St. Louis will be helpful!
Nico, where I tried beignets for the first time and fell in love with their brunch menu!
Gokul Indian Food, where I stuffed my face with their naan!
Winslow's Home, where the atmosphere is just as amazing as the food!
One Year Ago: Asian Broccoli Salad with Sesame Ginger Salad (this makes a ton and is great with some chicken thrown in!)
Two Years Ago: Coconut Lime Snowballs