(It's HARD to take a picture of ice cream in August in STL without it melting immediately! Forgive the imperfect scoop!)
Today is my 24th birthday. I'm starting the day off with a speed workout (marathon training doesn't let up, not even for birthdays ;)) and then spending a relaxed day with Ryan before heading to my sister Julia's where she's throwing me a party, complete with a pinata (per my request). If you're lucky, I'll put some pictures up at some point...
But I'm not here to go on and on about my birthday. Although it is related to this peanut butter ice cream. My awesome friends Paige & Ashley surprised me last week with an early birthday gift: an ice cream maker! I was surprised, and touched, and (most of all) PUMPED! They know me well enough to know that I dig all desserts, but ice cream holds a special place in my heart. Less than twenty-four hours later, I'd already started working on my first batch of ice cream: peanut butter.
(super surprised...can you tell? ;))
Peanut Butter Ice Cream
from Annie's Eats
-3/4 cup creamy peanut butter
-3/4 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar
-2 2/3 cups half & half
-pinch of coarse salt
-dash of vanilla extract
1. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor. Process until smooth.
2. Place mixture in the refrigerator until completely chilled.
3. Remove from freezer and freeze according to your ice cream maker's instructions.
**Note: Make sure your ice cream maker is COMPLETELY frozen and that your ice cream mixture is VERY chilled or else you'll end up with ice cream soup! Thanks Amanda for talking me through my first batch of ice cream ;)