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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Odds & Ends

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Odds & ends

1. 20 Things I Wish I'd Known in My Late Twenties. Considering I'm in my late twenties (WHAT?! How did that happen??), I found this article interesting...and fitting as I've learned a lot of these lessons lately. In particular, #7 (Learn to Rest) and #20 (Finally, Prepare to Be Amazed) rang true, but really I found myself nodding with each of them!

2. Brecken is TWO months old, as of three days ago. Exactly one month from today I'll be returning to work, something I'm not ready to think about or talk about yet, so instead let's just look at the cute pictures of here (had to include her 1 month as well since I never shared that!).

(image source)
3. Potato chips, at least the classic kind, do nothing for me. I don't like beer, at all. So riddle me this...why am I completely obsessed with beer chips?!?! My father-in-law bought two huge bags of them from Costco for Brecken's baptism luncheon and I sampled them, fully expecting to spit a chip right out. Instead, I found myself hoarding the leftover chips, consuming far too many lunches consisting of not much more than potato chips. In other words, regardless of how you feel about potato chips or beer, you might want to give these a try...

baby back ribs
Smoked Baby Back Ribs
4. My brother and his fiancee Ashley are in town visiting us this weekend to meet Brecken, and because Ryan and my brother-in-law Nate are throwing Quinn a mini bachelor party here in St. Louis. To kick the night off, they're starting with ribs at our house. We're taking Ashley out for appetizers and drinks, but part of me wants to stay home and sneak some ribs ;)