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Saturday, April 20, 2013

Odds & Ends

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1. Having just spent our Sunday morning two weeks ago cheering runners on at the finish line of the Go! St. Louis marathon and having run a marathon myself, I was both sickened and saddened by the events that transpired in Boston earlier this week and came to a dramatic conclusion last night. You obviously don't have to be a runner or associated with running to feel similarly. My uncle wrote a great post titled Boston Balloons that is a wonderful reminder of God's presence amidst tragedy, which there seems to be all too much of lately! I'm taking great comfort in these truths this week!

2. Guys I am NOT crafty. It's laughable, really, how terrible I am when it comes to crafting, especially since my mom and sister Julia are masters! But that wreath, pictured above? I made that. Julia helped a little bit, but for the most part that was all me. Allow me to brag for a minute because it's definitely the best craft I've ever completed!

3. I made these banana blueberry muffins back in 2010, but a recent comment reminded me that I need to remake them. That reader said, "Great recipe! I used frozen mixed berries and they turned out great! I also used greek no fat yogurt and added some flax seed. I was so thrilled with how they turned out!" 

4. I'm obsessed with Glee's version of FUN's Some Nights. I might watch this YouTube video a lot. I know this song is old news (it will forever remind me of Julia and Nate's wedding!), but I'm still not sick of it!

One Year Ago: Orange Sour Cream Muffins with Poppyseed Streusel
Two Years Ago: Open Faced Teriyaki Chicken Burgers
Three Years Ago: Pasta and Shrimp Primavera