I am not a super crafty or artistic person. These genes definitely run in my family, as anyone who knows my mom or my sister can attest. The only creativity I have comes out in the kitchen, and even there it's more about things tasting good than looking good.
When I decided to throw a baby shower for my friend Maggie, I honestly wasn't sure I could pull it off. In a world full of amazing parties and showers (spend five minutes on Pinterest and you'll see what I mean), I felt incredibly inadequate. However, thanks to my sister Julia, I managed to successfully host the shower...and although the pictures don't do the party justice (a dark, cloudy day made for unideal photo conditions!), it turned out pretty darn cute!
The shower menu (my area of expertise) revolved around cookies. I made four types--homemade thin mints, lemon poppyseed gobs with blueberry filling, peanut butter butterscotch, and chocolate chip--all of which will be posted with recipes and better pictures in the next few weeks. The cookies were placed in glass cookie jars, reused from the candy bar Ryan and I had at our wedding! In addition to the cookies, I made Amaretto Fruit Dip, which I served with an assortment of fruit. When guests left, I sent them on their way with decorated sugar cookies (baby rattles!).
For beverages, we of course had milk (chocolate and regular, but chocolate was a HUGE hit!) and baby blue punch, always a shower favorite. Drinks were served in my Irish coffee glasses, with blue polka dotted straws purchased from Etsy.
Because I'm not huge on cheesy shower games, we instead decorated bibs for Baby V! Each party guest was given a white bib (I purchased 2 packages on Amazon) and some potatoes and fabric paint. Potatoes? Yup! We took Martha Stewart's brilliant potato art idea, which ended up being super cute. I have very creative friends and thanks to them, Baby V will be stylin' while eating!
A special shout out to my sister Julia, who was the mastermind behind the adorable invitations and the banner we hung from the fireplace. Lest you think I'm completely worthless, she did allow me the very important task of cutting out chocolate chips ;)
Hopefully this post gives you some ideas on how to throw a fun and cute baby shower, even if you think you lack the skills!! Get excited for those cookie recipes...you don't want to miss them!
Happy Mother's Day to my truly amazing mom, whom I so sincerely wish I were with today! I love you so very much and there is very little (this shower included) that I could do without your support and encouragement! And Happy Mother's Day to all of the other wonderful mothers in my life...from my mother-in-law to my grandmas to my friends who are mothers!
One Year Ago: Double White Chocolate and Pretzel Peanut Butter Cookies with Sea Salt
Two Years Ago: Peach Pie