Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Crockpot BBQ Beer Chicken

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Obey your parents. Isn't that one of the first lessons a parent tries to teach his or her child? I've certainly been hearing it for long as I can remember. Some days, obedience was mostly about avoiding a spanking. At age twenty-five, spankings are no longer a threat. I'm outside of my parents' house, old enough to be a parent myself (though I'm not, yet!), but still obeying my parents, mostly out of love and respect for them. Mom knows best, as she's proven again and again. When she told me to make Jessica's crockpot bbq beer chicken, I listened. You may remember my mom's obsession with How Sweet It Is, and it once again proves to be an obsession that is quite delicious!

My house smelled heavenly as this chicken cooked all day long on a recent Sunday. At five o'clock I couldn't handle it anymore and I shredded the chicken to dig in to a rather early dinner. Jessica says this might be the best chicken she's ever made and I can't disagree that this is one of the better chicken meals to come from my crockpot. If you don't need 3 pounds of shredded chicken, freeze some. I froze a portion of mine with some of the juices from the crockpot and it was just as good a few weeks later. The recipe also halves well.

I'll say it again: Obey your parents.

One Year Ago: Snickers Cups
Two Years Ago: Upside Down Apple Pie
Looking for other shredded meat crockpot sandwiches? Check out Shredded Beef Sandwiches (a longtime family favorite) or Hawaiian Chicken Sandwiches!

Crockpot BBQ Beer Chicken
from How Sweet It Is

-3 pounds boneless, skinless chicken breasts
-1 tbsp onion powder
-1 tbsp smoked paprika
-1 tsp garlic powder
-1/2 tsp salt
-1/2 tsp pepper
-8 oz. beer (I just used one full bottle)
-32 oz. bbq sauce (Jessica recommends a thinner sauce; I combined a few different ones from my fridge)

1. Season chicken with onion powder, garlic powder, paprika, salt, and pepper. Add to crockpot.
2. Add beer and 24 oz. bbq sauce to crockpot. Cook on low for 8 hours, stirring a few times if desired.
3. After 8 hours, shred chicken and add remaining bbq sauce. Serve on sandwich buns.