Friday, January 22, 2010

Pineapple Orange Pork Chops

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It's hard for me to say anything bad about crockpot recipes, because I love how stinkin' easy they make evenings! I've made pork chops in the crockpot before, so I decided to try it again and mix up the flavoring. I have two complaints with this recipe I concocted:

1. Our crockpot doesn't have a timer, so we have no choice but to leave it on ALL day while at work...these cooked for about 8 hrs on low, and I switched them to warm when we got home. They turned out fine, but were a little overcooked due to being in the crockpot so long.
2. The sauce was a little thin for my liking. Next time I'll stir in some cornstarch near the end of cooking to thicken the sauce and make it easier to spoon over the pork and rice.

Despite these two complaints, this was a good meal. As you can see, we ate it with brown rice & zucchini. It was simple, healthy, and perfect for a Thursday night after work!

Pineapple Orange Pork Chops

-4 boneless pork chops
-1 1/2 cups orange juice
-1 can pineapple rings
-1/4 cup soy sauce
-1/2 tsp ginger

1. Place the 4 pork chops (I put mine in frozen) in a crockpot.
2. Pour in the orange juice, soy sauce, and ginger. Set aside the pineapple rings and pour the juice from the can into the crockpot.
3. Cook on low for 4-5 hours or until pork chops are cooked through. Approximately 30 minutes before eating, add the pineapple rings to the crockpot. (Here's where I'd stir in cornstarch to thicken the sauce).
4. Remove chops and pineapple and serve over rice, or eat plain.